You might have heard of us through our product MagHub; however did you know Aysling offers creative, marketing, and other services to companies of all types; including publishers! Yes that’s right, we are often tasked with projects to assist our publishers, not just with the software side of MagHub, but also solving other problems they might be experiencing in their industry. Whether that is a custom development, assisting with marketing services (social media, graphic design, etc.), or just helping them with the various odds and ends of their business.
One of our senior employees, Jennifer Ostman, has been with the company longer than MagHub was a standalone product! With various roles under her belt, she landed on Art Director, working with a select group of publishers. Learn more about what Jennifer does, and perhaps she could assist with a project you might need a creative eye on.
What’s your name?
Jennifer Ostman
What is your job title at Aysling?
Art Director
So, what does that mean you actually do?
I sit behind a computer for a very long time! Over the years, as Aysling has grown and changed, I’ve taken on various tasks including graphic designer, project manager and software trainer. Now, you could basically say that I work closely with our creative service clients and help them make their design dreams a reality. Oh, and make deadlines. Lots of deadlines.
How long have you worked at Aysling?
Almost 8 years.
What is your favorite thing about working at Aysling?
An inspiring team and work environment where creativity is encouraged. (Also encouraged: anything to do with comic books, cats, and candy!)
What is/was your favorite magazine publication?
Only one?! This is tough. I’ll go with National Geographic Explorer magazines for kids. As a kid who once wanted to be a marine biologist (ha!) and as an adult who got to work on creating digital versions of these same magazines, they’re a highlight in both my childhood and career as a creative.
If you had to publish your own magazine, what would it be about?
As an HGTV addict, I’d probably want to publish something about interior design, but with a focus on creating functional spaces that are still pretty. (I’ve never met a junk drawer organizer I didn’t like!)
What is the one piece of software you cannot live without?
Adobe Creative Cloud
What is your favorite season?
If you could live in any movie/television show, which one would it be? And why?
Big Bang Theory. I can already relate to living with a nerd (i.e. husband) who has more toys than I have shoes. And I love shoes. It’s really about the laughter and friendships though. Plus, there always seems to be yummy take-out food that must be scientifically altered to have zero calories. Take-out multiple times a week plus no exercising equals awesome to me!
Board, Card, or Video Games?
Card Games.
Favorite type of sandwich?
Italian sub from a New Jersey deli (the mom-and-pop kind)
Interesting fact about yourself?
I watched Battlestar Galactica with my husband and liked it. I mean, I actually wanted to watch it again! I don’t think there’s any way to come back from this. Sigh. (Also, I’ve lived in 8 different states. So I can relate to trying to find that one place to finally call home!)
And finally, what is your favorite quote/lyric (movie, television show, song, or inspirational)?
So I have two:
“Whatever you do, do it well.”
– Walt Disney
And (sorry I’m cheating), I once got this fortune cookie while working on a particularly challenging project several years ago and have kept it in my desk ever since:
“If you understand what you’re doing, you’re not learning anything.”
– Fortune cookie, random Chinese take-out restaurant
Quite the background huh! As you can see, Jennifer has a lot of experience in the publishing industry, as does many members of the Aysling | MagHub team, as you’ll soon find out in time. Are you looking for creative services outside of MagHub, or perhaps you think you can utilize Aysling’s creative services, and MagHub? Either way you look at it, we offer the services you need to manage and grow your media publishing business. Click here to learn more about Aysling | MagHub!
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