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Aysling Team Spotlight: Jenny Oister

Red Corded Phone

Meet Jenny

It’s a skill to pick up the phone and call a stranger, it takes even more skill to keep them on the line and make a sale from that call. Fortunately we have one of those skilled individuals on our sales team. For today’s Aysling Team Spotlight, welcome our very own Sr. Account Executive, Jenny Oister!

Though Jenny is no longer in our Ann Arbor, Michigan offices and is enjoying the beaches in Florida; we’re still fortunate to speak with her everyday, and discuss new opportunities for our Media Publishing Tool, MagHub. Learn more about Jenny in today’s, Aysling Team Spotlight post.


What’s your name?

Jenny Oister

What is your job title at Aysling?

Senior Account Executive

So what does that mean you actually do?

I promote and sell MagHub to prospects, and attend many conferences promoting MagHub.

How long have you worked at Aysling?

4 1/2 years

What is your favorite thing about working at Aysling?

Working at Aysling is like having more family members. Everyone is friendly and always willing to help.

What is/was your favorite magazine publication?

Hmm, now that is hard. I love going into new cities and looking at the local City Regional Magazine titles.

If you had to publish your own magazine, what would it be about?

How to survive in a technological world as a “seasoned” professional. 😀

What is the one piece of software you cannot live without?

MagHub of course! I couldn’t live without my calendar/agenda inside MagHub. I use it everyday, it helps me know who to call, email, or what appointments I have coming up. My clients can be rest assured that if they ask me to reach back out in two weeks, that I mark a “to-do” so I don’t lose track on when I need to reach back out.

What is your favorite season?


If you could live in any movie/television show, which one would it be? And why?

Penny from The Big Bang Theory, she’s the #1 Sales Rep working with a bunch of techies.

Board, Card, or Video Games?

Card Games

Favorite type of sandwich?

Philly Cheese Steak

Interesting fact about yourself?

I was the first woman to sell packaging machinery without an engineering degree and was so successful that the company I was working for had its largest sales dollar volume, as I was able to acquire an order for 25 machines for M&M’s, Mars Company.

And finally, what is your favorite quote/lyric (movie, television show, song, or inspirational)?

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

– John Quincy Adams

What a terrific Aysling Team Spotlight. You are always welcome to call Aysling directly and speak directly with Jenny (877-297-5464). She’d be happy to chat with you!

Until next week, thank you for joining us for this Aysling Team Spotlight.

Request Your Demo Today

Take a few moments to fill out our brief webform, and one of our Account Executives would be happy to show you the Aysling platform.

Zach Gilbert


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