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Aysling Team Spotlight: Michael Scott

Michael Scott Blog Post

Meet Michael Scott

Thank you for joining us for our very first Video Aysling Team Spotlight. We found our next guest to be a real natural when it comes to video interviews (though we’re not quite sure why). Please join us today as we are joined by Remote Regional Manager, Michael Scott!

What’s your name and title?

Michael Scott, Regional Manager

How long have you worked at Aysling?

I have worked with Aysling for 12 years.

What is your favorite thing about working at Aysling?

What is/was your favorite magazine publication?

Cracked Magazine

What is the one piece of software you cannot live without?

PowerPoint, PowerPoint, PowerPoint.

If you could live in any movie/television show, which one would it be? And why?

Anything with Meryl Streep…. Well anything where I can be Meryl Streep.

Board, Card, or Video Games?

I would say I’m more into Acting Games, ones where we can bring people together.

Favorite type of sandwich?

Bologna, Tomato, and Ketchup.

Interesting fact about yourself?

I’m an early bird and a night owl. So I’m wise and I have worms.

And finally, what is your favorite quote/lyric (movie, television show, song, or inspirational)?

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Wayne Gretzky”

– Michael Scott

Wasn’t that a great Aysling Team Spotlight! Want to chat more with Michael Scott? Well when he’s not off buying condos or rambling about Scranton, you can sometimes catch him on Live Chat!

Until next week, thank you for joining us for this Aysling Team Spotlight.

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