If your business is growing, it’s not just growing “up,” it’s growing sideways, at an angle and even – sad to say – possibly contracting in some areas.
A “simple” spreadsheet is no longer going to cut it. All of your major team members – and even some of the minor ones – need to collaborate more and more. Everyone pretty much needs to see what everyone else is up to. But spreadsheets are static. They limit your vision, your forecasting, your vendor management, and more.
In short, your back office operations are growing along with your revenue and costs…and your operations deserves to use a task management tool that can handle it all.
Enter the all-in-one vendor management system. From taking care of payments, reporting, HR, even freelancer management, a VMS can help your business at whatever stage it’s in (brand new to decades-old).
This is less complex – but better – than a typical database today. Many that handle large amounts of data are also very hard to set up correctly, maintain and even work within. They’re also quite costly, probably far too much so for a small multimedia/graphic design, consulting, software, publishing, engineering, business services provider, or event management company could afford.
A VMS such as Aysling can pretty much help you manage all of your back office operations:
Vendor Management
Aysling allows you to take care of all of your vendors and your contractors in one place, accessible to anyone in your company you choose. (You can give some folks all access and restrict access to only certain areas for other people.) Pay vendors and freelancers automatically and store their invoices/W9 forms and more. You can rank your freelancers based on skill set or other factors (misses deadlines, for example). You’ll have all vendor invoice and payment history in one spot.
Purchase Order Management
Created one purchase order request and you’ll be able to see it the complete approval process. You can create line item POs with as many line items as you wish (this helps vendors know what you’re purchasing and at what price, allowing them to reject/approve them instantly. Once services or goods are delivered, you can mark it fulfilled and the touch of a keyboard, move it to invoicing.
Keeping Track of Projects
Which freelancer gets her work done early? Which one is always late, and what’s her excuse this time? The Aysling Vendor Management System lets you create projects that are as detailed as you like: you can add tasks, notes, milestones, deadlines, delays, etc.
Our VMS has a project discussion component, allowing you a direct line of communication between you and your vendors/freelancers. Your freelancers can invoice you directly as soon as a deliverable is accepted.
Expense Account Management
When did you purchase the new desktop screen for an engineer? Was it this past July? It couldn’t have been the July before that, could it (time does fly, after all)? The Aysling VMS allows you to perform a quick search without having to take a look at many different spreadsheets. You also can track exactly what your buying and in what quantities from your vendors. If you have different classes of expenses/accounts, you can setup different approval processes based on your needs.
There’s a lot more to the Aysling VMS, of course, and we’d love to either talk to you about it or – even better! – give you a real-time demonstration.
Either contact us at 877-297-5464 for more information or fill out our online form and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
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Take a few moments to fill out our brief webform, and one of our Account Executives would be happy to show you the Aysling platform.